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Burnley Civic Trust

Making Burnley a Better Place to Live and Work

Burnley Civic Trust is run by volunteers who, as is indicated in the Trust's Mission Statement above, wish to preserve the best of what is left of Burnley's past and, also, to promote the best of the new. The Trust exists to ensure that Burnley continues to be a varied, vibrant, historic and interesting town.

The President the Trust is Ken Spencer MBE, MA. MSc., who was a founder member when the Trust was first formed in 1964, but the day to day running of the Trust is carried out by a Committee of members elected at the AGM.

Our monthly meetings are held usually on the first Wednesday of the month commencing at 7.00pm. at Burnley Town Hall.
We attempt to hold a speaker meeting on every third meeting, but this has varied-both more and less being a speaker meeting.

Following the Covid period and during building repairs our meetings found another venue, but we are pleased that our usual venue - The Town Hall, Burnley -has now become available and we have resumed meeting there.

We welcome any new members to join our open committee meetings.
Please remember that we need opinions from all sectors of the Burnley Community about the issues affecting Burnley Residents and views about the built environment and its planning are welcomed.

We have another website showing the Images and Stories of the Burnley Express and Local Newspapers of the former East Lancashire Newspapers, negatives given to us when office rationalisation took place. Following the receipt of the Heritage Lottery Grant we have been able to acquire our much needed computers, scanners and equipment to enable the Volunteer Group to progress to PG54 of Stoke constructing our website. We are pleased to announce that it is online at the web address www.bcthic.org with in excess of 10,000 images and stories.
Charities, Social and Volunteer Groups regularly Contact us to give talks and presentations.

Short film by the Burnley Film Group